Monday, 31 August 2009

Day 18 - Caravan park

Went on holiday to Cornwall :) I tried hopping & I think it went alright :D hoorayy

BAD news : Bexzi has sold her unicycle!!

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Day 17 - with Bexzi

Today, me and Bexzi went to the little park. I had a little go to demonstrate how to ride, and then Bexzi had her turn. She held onto the fence and hopped onto the unicycle. She held on with both hands and slowly pulled herself along the fence. I gave her some tips and in less than an hour she was capable of riding along whilst holding hte fence with one hand. We swapped over and I practised my freemounting...definetly an Off-day for my freemounting! Some boys came along and kicked a ball around in the kiddie-park and they took turns trying to unicycle. I found it quite funny to watch them trying to mount but a couple of htem managed to do a couple of meters 'fence-pulling'. Later on, I went around to the 'semi'circle' bit outside the kiddie-park and did a couple of circuits, although when Bexzi tried this whilst holding onto my shoulder the results weren't quite the same. :)

Another unicycle-addict? I hope so!


Saturday, 25 July 2009

Day 16 - Longest ride

Today we went around the lake and through the forest. My sister was on rollerblades...(not such a good idea since the forest had a gravel path), my mum and dad were walking and I, of course, was riding my unicycle. We covered at least a couple of miles with a few breaks. I kept having to wait for them...and then they would wait for me to remount...then I'd go and then I'd have to wait for them again etc. and so it took longer than usual.

Freemounting is doing really well :) I think I managed 80% of them probably.

I'm finding coping with hills really hard though - I could manage little bumpy ones even with lots of chunks of gravel, however I found the longer stretched of slopey gravel hard.

Overall a fun, if not terribly hot, afternoon out :)

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Day 15 - with Lucy!

After going for a walk with Lucy, we decided to get the unicycle out. I rode over to hte park and then she hopped onto it and rode circles around. Well, actually it wasn't quite like that...first she tried to get on with my help. Then she tried to get on by herself. Then she tried with a longer fence. Hooray she was on! Then of course there was also hte not-so-easy task of riding it. She crept slowly along the fence (with regular UPDs :) )and I helpfully gave tips like leaning certain ways and weight distribution, as well as laughing and filming :D.

Maybe I will convert her to unicycling :P

*Viva la unicyle Revolution!*

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Day 14

Went into the little park with the soft tarmac again today & just practised freemounts. My freemounts are doing really well now :) I'm quite happy with them. Also thought about idling, and went through the motions whilst holding onto the fence, however when put into practise it didn't work quite so well...

My dad's coming back from america soon & so he will buy me a helmet :) yay (Safety first kids!), then I think i'll feel a bit braver...:D Once I've got good I wanna either buy a trials or muni unicycle...:D:D:D

And maybe some safety gear...

Monday, 13 July 2009

Day 13

Not so well on the freemounting fron...okay they were pretty darn bad. Distance wise was alright although I only practised for 10mins. My left leg was a bit shakey so I think that's what mucked up my mounts - probably tired out from all the unicycling yesterday...hope to practise more tomorrow :)

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Day 12

Longest ride yet...with lots of UPDs though...we travelled around a nearby lake which was pretty cool :) Lots of bicyclists gave me strange smiles though - you almost hear the cogs ticking as they think "How does she do that?" makes me feel veery big-headed. :D I managed a few free-mounts on the way round as well :)

Went down the park with my sister. I think I'm at 'Level 1' now because I:
1.Mount unicycle unassisted.
2.Ride 50m.
3.Dismount gracefully with unicycle in front.

(Okay I didn't dismount terribly gracefully, but it still counts :) )

I'm a happy bunny.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Day 11

I just went for a short ride today. A couple of loops around the park...with a small audience - "Awesome! How do you do that?" Me: "I don't know." and then holding onto my mum as I went to my grandparents house because I didnt want to fall in hte road :D

I even managed a random freemount somewhere along the lines...

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Day 10


Distance Breakthrough!! I took to a proper tarmac path today. Its in a kinda big 'loop' and I managed to get over half way round!! Thats including a couple of turns!! YAYY
What's more - a couple and their baby twins were walking by - total ego boost!

Freemountings doing alright too :)

Happy days.

Day 9

10mins practice today and its been over a week since my last. Not too good :(

However, all though I didn't cover much in hte way of 'freemount success rate' is imroving!

Tip: Look at hte pedal you lift your second foot onto...that way you don't miss it - I reckon this is just about the only instance the rule 'Look forward, not down' does not appy for.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Day 8

Down a wiggly path.

Freemounting didn't go so well today althoguh I did manage a couple (I blame it on hte wet ground :) ). However, I unicycled all the way down a gravel path which had a couple of bends in it and a slight downhill slope! yay

Day 7 - successful freemount!

Today I managed the freemount a few times, it was wobbly and not quite what you might call elegant...but I did it! There's no denying that.

^This is me freemounting

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Day 6

After realising that the fence of the park was all that was holding me back, I made a daring step in going onto the grass...and it paid off! The grass was terribly uneven and bumpy so my unicycling was wobbly at best, however I managed distances of twice what I had done before!...until I came up with my next enemy...the bushes. I'll be on hte lookout for more space but i the meantime i'm going to also try freemounting. :O

Note: Different areas offer change and can be more fun :)

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Day 5

Woot woot! Today I feel I really made some progress. I only did it for about 20mins, however some lil kiddies came along and so, of course, I didn't wanna look totally stupid. I managed going downhill as well as uphill and I was managing the full distance of the playground whole time.

I also realised something I was doing wrong before was getting into a sort of 'deadlock' position.

-Keep pedaling, but don't put so much pressure on the bottom foot that you can't move the other pedal i.e. deadlock.

Day 4

Improvement! I have somehow magically regained the ability to 'kindof unicycle'. I did lots of practising and did about 40ft (more than 10m)!! Happy days! My friends aren't gonna hear the end of this :D

Day 3

Bad day. For some reason I seem to have had an off day. I couldn't even get as far as I did on my first day and I just kept falling off. My mounting is getting quicker although I'm still holding onto the fence, so I guess its not all terrible, however I hope the muscles 'remember' how to unicycle again coz this has just been frustrating...

Day 2

This was much the same as Day 1, apart from I got just that little bit further! I've found going uphill easier and so am going to practise getting good at that before trying anything even harder.

Day 1

After only attempting to unicycle in the dining room, (gripping for dear life onto the hatch & chairs), I decided to brave it in the open. (que dramatic music). I thought the best place would be the little kiddie park around the back of my house because its rubber tarmac and so very soft.

Note: the park is really sloped!! & surrounded by a fence in a rectangular shape which I could hold onto.

I started off gripping to a corner of the fence, and to my suprise, (holding on with one hand), I managed quite about a couple of meters! I then did it without holding onto the fence so much & I guess it turns out my practising in the dining room had paid off because I could do about 2 meters 'free-hand'.

And that was the first day...

Unicycle Journal

Hiya guys, I have decided to copy a great idea and start a unicycle journal/blog thingy of my progress :) I'm gonna have to catch up because I've already practised properly for 4 daysbut I'll write as if they just happened. Hope you enjoy this :)